Sunday, February 24, 2008


Here are the updates:
1. I got into graduate school, hooray! (That may mean bad news for all those reading this in Seattle...)

2. I left Rangiora for good a few days ago. I stayed there with (Pheonix's parents) Kate and Rob off and on since December. Who knows how they put up with my nonsense since then, but they did and with grace and generosity to boot. I know it doesn't suffice to just say thank you so thank you a lot. You guys rock. For real.

3. This is from a while ago, but it's... a pig that sits on command. The video you just watched is of Lucy, a kuna kuna pig. She is in one word: horrific. Here's a close up:

See. Pheonix thinks she's cute. I think not.

4. All of you reading this already know I no longer look like this:

but you didn't know that I look like this:

Heh heh.
To finish up the big news, I'm in Wellington and I'll be here until the 27th when I fly up to Auckland for a few days and say goodbye to Pheonix...
Confidential to Lexi again: you're not allowed to comment on this post.


Persiana said...

uuummmm, sorry, i am not seeing the Depp. i see the KP.

Miss Scarlet said...

bad news for us in seattle...
does that mean you're not coming back, or you are?


Lexi and Jenny said...

ha ha ha. how will you stop me!?

you just don't want me to say that you look more like luna than johnny depp. hmmm... funny and true. j/k. everyone knows you look like fred savage.

Lexi and Jenny said...

by luna, i obviously meant luna.

and now i've commented twice. take that sucka!

Lexi and Jenny said...

lucy. lucy lucy lucy. ah! what is wrong with me?! i'm curs-ed. p.s. vidaroseporterlong says hello.

Katie Porter said...

jeez. with friends like you who needs enemies.