Phew, we made it. Pheonix and I went on a crazy two week adventure around New Zealand. It was incredible. This:
was our car. It was a loaner from a friend of Kate and Rob's. It drove like a dream and I even took a turn behind the wheel:
It was a terrifying few hours but I tried. And I will never do it again. I swear.
We ate most of our meals by pulling over to the side of the road and throwing together some kind of edible sandwich from the options inside the cooler. It wasn't bad, but there is a limit to the number of meat-log sandwiches one can consume in a week:
We also slept most nights in the back of the car and on a few occassions we couch surfed with people (more on that in a later post).
Fortunately, we were also able to enjoy and explore our surroundings outside of the car. Here we are in front of a random waterfall on the west coast. Hooray for 10 second timers!
[As some of you make have noticed (Ariana), I am in the middle of a hair crisis. Without any good ideas of my own (suggestions are welcome) I went for the tried and true option of a do-rag (bringin' it back from my field hockey days circa 1995). An unfortunate outcome is that I look like a stupid hippie now.]
Rest assured, New Zealand is gorgeous:
We saw glaciers and fiords (which I discovered are like sounds only carved by glaciers, not rivers) and sea lions and penguins and an albatross and jungles and ruins and sunsets and everything that you would want to see on a blog, but my camera is a little busted so this is all you get.
Here is the one wildlife picture that I wrangled from my camera. We swam in this crystal clear lake for a while and when we got out we saw a HUGE black eel:
We thought it was creepy at the time, but then we found out that they bite people. With big horrible teeth. The animal kingdom hates me. No joke.
PS - Check out the poll to the right. This choice was a very real, daily struggle for us.