Tuesday, January 29, 2008

This is fowl (hyuck hyuck)

Pheonix and I have been WWOOFing since the 26th and so far it's been a blast. We are staying with Tanya and Simon and their adorable two kids: Samantha and Thomas. They live on a 9 acre family farm in Nelson, NZ. We do chores to earn our room and board. One of our responsibilities is to help tend to the poultry, they have chickens, ducks, and turkeys. As we now intimately know, these birds are not just for egg production... they are for eatin' too!

Here are the happy alive birds...

I made a video of Tanya killing the two turkeys that we prepared for dinner, but it's a little too gruesome to put online. But, here's a pic of Phenoix plucking one of them. She was good, a little too good for a former militant vegan if you ask me, about plucking then gutting the turkeys. Here she is, looking ever so happy to be destroying life:

Plucking their warm bodies and taking their guts out and chopping their feet and wings was totally disturbing and much more difficult than I thought it would be, but dinner was delicious:

Then, we went back to the coup to play with the ones that were still alive. Look! Ducklings are adorable (these are dinner in a few months. Yum. Heh heh.)



Lexi and Jenny said...

This is FOWL. FOWWWWWWWWWL. That's hilaaaaaaaaarious. Ha ha ha ha. Fowl. Where did you find this girl?

Oh also, on the hair... it's bad. Real bad. Please... just cut it off. You look like an Indigo Girl.

I think we're good on the mail. I got a letter from USPS yesterday saying that your mail will now be forwarded to me. Ha ha ha. The Power! Also, now my sister has a blog.

Simon had a blog, which was honestly way cooler than my sister's blog, called "Mighty Man," in which the "about me" section read like this: "I am Simon. I am cool. I like me."

Unfortch, his blog expired. So Mikala started one: http://kiddewoodward.blogspot.com/ The wind sock makes me laugh, and I thought you'd like it too.

Anonymous said...

that is pretty f'ed up, but i can't complain. most people don't understand how their food gets to the table, so i appreciate the fact that you are learning to relate to what goes in your body. and no one can challege you now about eating meat since you have gotten your hands bloody. of course, i am waiting for you to take down a cow....we will see how many burgers you eat after that....xo ag....oh, and we are already talking about the welcome back KP party in june....