Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Green Apprenticeship (GA) Education

Some of you have asked me about what I am learning in Israel. Here is a rough sketch of some of the topics we are discussing on Kibbutz Lotan.

-Natural Building: building structures (homes, benches, retaining walls, etc) out of mud, straw, tires, etc

-Permaculture: roughly defined as "the development of perennial agricultural systems that mimic the structure and interrelationships found in natural ecologies."

-Organic Gardening: growing plants without chemicals for soil, fertilizer, and pest control

-Healthy Living: including physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being (I know, I know, I'm ridiculous, but it's endearing, right? RIGHT?) consisting of Chi Kong stretching in the morning, Watzu lessons, among other topics. Here's the Watzu pool:

Those are the topics we've focused on thus far. I know we still have loads to learn. Oh! by the end of the program I will be a certified permaculture and ecovillage designer. Wow... So, if any of you have a garden, space, or ecovillage (bahahaha!) that you want help designing, just let me know.


PorterDad said...

Whatzu? You mean what zu want to do ???Swim, relax,meditate? Whatever, whatzu sounds like fun.



Jen Robinson said...

I love Watzu!!! My parents were going to train in that for awhile and I was so excited. I am glad you have a hammock.

pheonix said...

if you lay down and spoon your seedlings, does it make them grow better?

Ben said...

Porter! I just caught up and read the whole thing so far. I'm so glad for you. It looks like a great place to start. I look forward to keeping up with you this year.

By the way, Abe was recently pontificating on how much using a different consonant at the beginning of a laugh sound changes its meaning a little -- I'm enjoying you use of B for bahahaha.

Keep up the good work. Oh, and in my opinion you cannot really over-react to a SCORPION ON YOU. Cripes.

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