Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Lotan - Week 2

Since I last wrote one week officially ended (with Shabbat) and another officially began (with the end of Shabbat). It is a really amazing experience to have Shabbat on this kibbutz. While I wasn't a huge fan of the services (unfamiliar tunes and format), I loved the spirit. People were just hanging out and chatting, wishing each other "Shabbat Shalom" and giving hugs and kisses. It was totally great. Then, the next day was so chill and quiet - they really take the day of rest thing seriously here.
Sadly, Shabbat ended, but week #2 of the green apprenticeship (GA) began!
We started by working in the nursey which was fine until... A SCORPION GOT ON ME! No joke, I freaked out and brushed it off MY BARE SKIN. I thought that was a totally normal reaction to A SCORPION ON ME, but apparently I "over-reacted." Whatever, here is a picture of something vaguely similar to what was on me:

It didn't sting me so eventually I calmed down and continued with the day, but holy shit...
The next day we played with worms: (Efrat is eating this one, but most of them are used to make worm castings which is kick-ass fertilizer. I can't wait to make my own worm bin at my next home.)

and stuffed tires full of trash to make a bench:

Today I am a little sick - head cold nothing serious, it sucks, but I still planted a garden:

It's my first real garden and I forget what's in it, but hopefully I'll find out in a few weeks.

While we were planting the gardens, we heard sounds of warfare in the background. It was totally jarring and scary to hear bombs and missiles, although they are a normal component to life here. It's taking me time to adjust but there are some things about Israeli culture that I do not want to adjust to or welcome into my life...


JB said...

OMG! I should not have asked about the animals. Look what happened with the scorpion. I love the pics.it isool to see what where you are looks like.

When you get back you can help me reclaim the long parking strip at my house and turn it into a garden until you get your own garden space.

How many folks or there with you?

Taking care of Phi really IS a big job. She coame over last night made us dinner, and entertained Rob while I lounged in the bath. It was hard work! After we ate soem of her grandma Jean's snacking cake and watched 300. She is truly a Spartan warrior in the kitchen.

Rob and the boys send thier love. Maybe some day 1 of them will go to Lotan. Probably not when they realize how much work it all is.



JB said...

Sorry the publish button was being wierd, didn't mean to publish it 12 times.

PorterDad said...

Six years ago on this day extremists killed thousands of innocent people because of their extremist beliefs and intolerance. Unfortunately that occured here in the U.S. killing family and friends of people we knew. As much as it would be nice to believe you and we can escape the threat by not being in Israel the reality is that in creating a society that embraces diversity,choice and democracy we create the atmosphere which is so abhorrent to those who wish to destroy us. Hopefully war is not the only avenue to peace.

Love your new pets...remember tolerance and co-existence.


arianag said...

I have been really enjoying the blog, especially since we miss you like crazy. So sad. And uh, scorpians. I don't think there is any way to over react to that nonsense, no matter how small.

I can't believe you have garden and are making mud bricks. We need to add an additio on to the house, so perhaps you could make some more bricks for us. AHAHAHAH.

Katie Porter said...

jb - you got grandma jean's snacking' cakes?! i long for grandma jean's snackin' cakes... you are so lucky. and, i'd love to help out with your parking strip garden. we can make a plan when i'm back in the city. give all those men my love as well!
ag - if you want bricks, we'll make some bricks!